Foreign Assessments of the Constitution
As news spread of the completion of the Philadelphia Convention, interest in the Constitution was not confined to just this side of the Atlantic. European interests in events in the Americas ran high throughout the period. Ever desirous of maintaining a balance of power and how the American experiment might impact the Old World, individuals both public and private weighed in on the prospects of the United States with a new system of governance. Many in Europe were attentive to the Constitutional Convention and the Ratification process. We have selected some of these to give you a sense of how other nations assessed our prospects under the Constitution. You will notice that the French were particularly interested since they had a formal and long-standing relationship with the United States dating back the American Revolution.
British Assessments
The relationship that the United States had with Great Britain after the American Revolution was complicated to say the least. Although John Adams was the United States Minister Plenipotentiary in the Court of St. James in London, the British did not have a diplomatic contingency here in the United States. Thus, little official British diplomatic correspondence exists. However, there were businessmen and other private individuals that offered their thoughts about the events surrounding the Convention and ratification.
Government Officials
- Phineas Bond to the Marquis of Carmarthen - Philadelphia, 3 March (pdf)
- Phineas Bond to the Marquis of Carmarthen Philadelphia, 20 September (pdf)
Private Individuals
French Assessments
Unique among the European correspondence of the time, the French had representatives in many American cities. Dating back to their formal alliance with the Americans during the Revolution, the French had a long standing interest in the United States. Although many of these French Diplomats were simply reporting events, the New York based Consuls evaluated the process and progress of the Ratification Period.
Government Officials
- Martin Oster to Marechal de Castries, Norfolk, 19 October 1787 (pdf)
- Louis Guillaume Otto to Comte de Montmorin, New York, 20 October 1787 (pdf)
- Louis Guillaume Otto to Comte de Montmorin, New York, 26 November 1787 (pdf)
- Antoine de la Forest to Comte de Montmorin, New York, 15 December 1787 (pdf)
- Gaspard Joseph Amand Ducher to Comte de la Luzerne, Wilmington, N.C., 2 February 1788 (pdf)
- Comte de Moustier to Comte de Montmorin, New York, 16 March 1788 (pdf)
- Antoine de la Forest to Comte de la Luzerne, New York, 15 April 1788 (pdf)
- Comte de Moustier to Comte de Montmorin, New York, 11 May 1788 (pdf)
- Antoine de la Forest to Comte de la Luzerne, New York, 16 May 1788 (pdf)
- Comte de Moustier to Comte de Montmorin, New York, 29 May 1788 (pdf)
- Comte de Moustier to Comte de Montmorin, New York, 5 June 1788 (pdf)
- Comte de Moustier to Comte de Montmorin, New York, 25 June 1788 (pdf)
- Philippe Andre Joseph de Letombe to Comte de la Luzerne, Boston, 26 June 1788 (pdf)
- Comte de Mousiteir to Comte de Montmorin, New York, 2 July 1788 (pdf)
- Comte de Moustier to Comte de Montmorin, New York, 25 July 1788 (pdf)
- Comte de Moustier to Comte de Montmorin, New York, 2 August 1788 (pdf)
- Antoine de la Forest to Comte de la Luzerne, New York 16 August 1788 (pdf)
- Louis-Guillaume Otto to Comte de Montmorin, New York, 16 August 1788 (pdf)
- Louis-Guillaume Otto to Comte de Montmorin, New York, 5 December 1789 (pdf)
Private Individuals
- Marquis de Lafayette to Thomas Jefferson, Nemours, c. 25 December 1787 (pdf)
- Marquis de Lafayette to George Washington, Paris, 1 January 1788 (pdf)
- Marquis de Lafayette to George Washington, Paris, 4 February 1788 (pdf)
- St. Jean de Crevecoeur to Comte de la Luzerne, New York, 16 May 1788 (pdf)
- St. Jean de Crevecoeur to William Short, New York, 10 June 1788 (pdf)
- St. Jean de Crevecoeur to James Bowdoin, New York, 28 June 1788 (pdf)
- Victor Marie DuPont to Pierre Samuel DuPont de Nemours, New York, 1-4 July 1788 (pdf)
- Victor Marie DuPont to Pierre Samuel DuPont de Nemours, New York, 26 July 1788 (pdf)
Other Assessments
Government Official
- Baron Beelen-Bertholff to Count Trauttmannsdorf, Philadelphia, 31 May 1788 (Austrian) (pdf)
- Baron Beelen-Bertholff to Count Trauttmannsdorf, Philadelphia, 1 August 1788 (Austrian) (pdf)
- Pieter Johann Van Berckel to the States General, New York, 1 October 1787 (Dutch) (pdf)
- Pieter Johann Van Berckel to the States General, New York, 3 November 1787 (Dutch) (pdf)
- Don Diego de Gardoqui to Conde de Floridablanca, New York, 6 December 1787 (Spanish) (pdf)
- Don Diego de Gardoqui to Conde de Floridablanca, New York, 25 July 1788 (Spanish) (pdf)
- Don Diego de Gardoqui to Conde de Floridablanca, New York, 22 April 1788 (Spanish) (pdf)