Rhode Island Ratification*
Significant events and individuals in Rhode Island Politics
State Ratifying Convention Meeting Places
- First Session, South Kingstown, 1-6 March 1790 (State House in Little Rest, modern-day Kingston)
- Second Session, Newport, 24-29 May 1790: (Colony House [which is the State House], 24-26 May; Second Baptist Church, 27-29 May)
Significant Speeches/Documents in Favor of Ratification
- Columbus, Newport Herald, 17 January 1788 (pdf)
- Anarch, Newport Herald, 7 February 1788 (pdf)
- A Rhode-Island Man, Newport Mercury, 25 February 1788 (pdf)
- American Philosopher, Newport Herald, 29 May 1788 (pdf)
- A Rhode-Islander, Newport Herald, 10 July 1788 (pdf)
- Solon, junior, (David Howell?), Providence Gazette, 12 July 1788 (pdf)
- Phocion, (Theodore Foster), Providence United States Chronicle, 17 July 1788 (pdf)
- Observer, Newport Herald, 24 July 1788 (pdf)
Significant Speeches/Documents Opposing Ratification
- Philelaetheros, United States Chronicle, 22 November 1787 (pdf)
- A Newport Man, Newport Mercury, 20 March 1788 (pdf)
- A Rhode-Island Landholder, Providence, United States Chronicle, 20 March 1788 (pdf)
- Providence, United States Chronicle, 27 March 1788 (pdf)
- A real Federalist, Providence, Unites States Chronicle, 27 March 1788 (pdf)
- Lycurgus, Providence, United States Chronicle, 3 April 1788 (pdf)
- A Friend to Paper Money, Newport Herald, 12 June 1788 (pdf)